Mapping Isabella Bird: Geolocation & Unbeaten Tracks in Japan (1880)

Interactive Map - Hokkaido v.2

Bird's travel route in Hokkaido is represented by a green line. However, clicking on the small map pins in various locations will lead to you quotes and images found in Unbeaten Tracks in Japan where she speaks about specific Hokkaido locales and the Ainu people.

Although the bulk of Bird's trip was spent on Honshu, the main island of the Japanese archipelago, her desire to experience new things lead her to Japan’s northern frontier. In the second volume of Unbeaten Tracks in Japan (1880), Bird discusses her time in Hokkaido. Arriving in Hakodate, she made her way northward to the town of Mori before crossing the Uchiura Bay to Muroran. Traveling northeast along the coast towards Tomakomai, Bird decided to take the route less traveled towards the town of Biratori along the Saru River, rather than branching off to visit the city of Sapporo.

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